

发布: 梅布尔 评论: 0 1

Considering that the US has the world’s largest economy and is also the largest exporter and importer of goods and services globally, 很多人都想知道为什么我们, 作为工作室, 很难在美国采购我们的产品.


We like to thoroughly look into factory conditions, quality of work, and price quotes as a company. 我们在复杂的花边上非常小心, 细节, and quality into our work and are not planning to compromise on these standards.


For the sake of our company’s reputation and the satisfaction of our customers, 我们在选择外包合作伙伴时是一丝不苟的. 我们只想交付最好的产品, 不幸的是, it has been hard for us to keep our standards when producing in the US.






  1. 缺乏专业知识: Years ago, I visited a factory in Mumbai, India, this factory produced for IKEA. I was taken to an area w在这里 workers were only practicing certain operations. 我听说这个地方是培训新员工的地方, and on that week the workers were practicing sewing a denim pocket with a high level of construction complexity. 他们告诉我训练通常持续数周, 个月, or until the sewers can connect their brains with the ability of their hands, 也就是肌肉记忆, which allows them to get very good at sewing certain operations through repetition. 我希望我们在美国的工厂也能有这样的承诺. This would allow us to improve the quality of samples and production of our US made apparel in a great way.


  1. 适当的工具: The complexity of some styles plays a big part of deciding if a product fits US production or overseas. 在我们的工作室, 我们生产各种户外用品, athletic apparel as a big part of our expertise for apparel development. 这些部分很复杂, sometimes they might have 30 or close to 50 plus different sewing operations and 大多数时候 they require engineered cutting, 激光切割等各类先进尖端机械. Some or most of the factories 在这里 in the US don’t offer these kinds of operations and in consequence their workers are not trained to utilize these complex 太ls, 是什么迫使我们在海外生产.


在我们寻找最佳外包合作伙伴的过程中, 我们已经在世界各地和多个大洲巡演. Factory conditions are the first sign of how your outsourcing partner will treat your products. It is a definite telltale of the quality of treatment your project will receive.

不幸的是, 一些美国工厂, 尤其是在洛杉矶, 缺乏工厂应有的适当条件, 这包括:


  1. 不卫生的工作条件:

几年前,我在洛杉矶制作了一个系列. The agent I had contracted to help me place the productions in different factories, 一直试图阻止我参观真正的工厂. 我坚持了很多次,最后我得以去看望他们. 我永远不会忘记我进入这家工厂的情景, 我周围都是土, 织物残片, 还有地板上的其他材料, 和工作站. 一切看起来都杂乱无章、肮脏不堪、颠三倒四. 令我吃惊的是, 在其中一个房间里, 我看到一个不到一岁的女婴, 她一个人在哭. 我问经理,为什么孩子一个人在那里. 我和他分享了我对婴儿周围的一切看起来有多脏的担忧. 那显然不是一个适合孩子的地方.  他们告诉我她是一个工人的孩子, 除此之外什么也没说, 事实上, 他们不喜欢我询问工厂的情况, 还有孩子的存在. I know it wasn’t my business, but it was then when I decided not to do business with these factories.


这家工厂的整体条件很差, 看到婴儿在那种情况下哭泣, 只是伤了我的心. 不幸的是, 在大多数情况下, workers who work at these factories are minorities who lack of education, 缺乏机会, 和资源, 他们中的一些人非法工作, and most often are forced to work in poor environments under deplorable conditions since they have no other options. This situation does not happen only in some US factories but happens also around the world. T在这里fore, we take pride in only working with factories who make environmental conditions a priority.


That day I visited about five factories around LA and most of them had poor environmental conditions. 我的作品没有达到我所需要的质量水平, 这就是我对美国工厂失去信心的时候, 尤其是在洛杉矶.


I was astonished to see factories in conditions as this were able to be open for business.

我知道这不是美国所有工厂的情况. Many factories are trying to keep acceptable conditions and work hard to maintain good environmental conditions.


But many factories are not adequately maintained and cleaned regularly. 这导致了肮脏的工作站和不干净的工厂. Having garments made in situations like that would not sit right with any reputable company, 尤其是当它违反了特定的健康危害. The product being sold to the customer needs to meet certain checks before it is sold, 清洁是最主要的问题之一. The idea of having any of our products manufactured by these means is a major no.


This is a call to politicians and the government to help better the conditions of our factories in the US so more brands and companies can produce in these factories and feel they are treating their employees fairly, 并尽可能生产出最高质量的产品.



Another problem with the US outsourcing market is that many companies are negligent in their customer care services and do not prioritize the customer’s needs and demands. 行政部门, 太, 不是很愿意服从吗, 让他们成为不愉快的合作伙伴. Since this is a big business and the production of the products is an integral part of the business, it is best to work with partners that are agreeable and customer friendly.




Another problem while working with US companies is that the work ethic is not always up to the mark as well. 产品制造的最后期限常常无法满足. The quality of work is often much less than what was promised and expected.


The presented prototypes are poor in quality, and the attention to 细节 is missing. 这就是为什么美国公司会这么做的一个重要原因, 大多数时候, not good partners to outsource to because the quality of your product will represent your company and determine whether you will have more customers in the future.


These are some of the reasons why we are currently very careful with who we make part of our team of factories in the US. 我们知道我们不是唯一有这个问题的人, 读到贸易公司与美国工厂有同样的问题 在这里. At Savvy Apparel Studio, we care that the needs of our customers are met to the highest degree. 因此, 直到达到这些标准, 劳动条件得到改善, we will be extremely careful to who we contract and won’t be collaborating with any US companies in a current deplorable, 可怜的条件. We hope these conditions change soon in the US for some of these factories, 我们非常想要这个, 但是现在, 我们发展的本质, 大多数时候, 具有一定的高度复杂性, 尤其是运动服装产品, 我们别无选择,只能在海外生产.


If you’re looking for US production, let us help you assess your project. 请发邮件给我们您的项目细节 在这里







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